The Code Enforcement Division helps to protect the City of Krebs public’s well-being and enhance the quality of life by enforcing the health, safety, zoning and sanitation codes. Please check back as we will be adding more information soon.
Have a question? Give us a call. We will be happy to assist you.
Relevant Documents
- Res #15-03 Clerk/Treasurer appointment election
- Res #15-04 One-way traffic
- Res #15-05 Water & Sewer rates
- Res #15-06 REAP Grant application authorization
- Res #17-02 Healthy Food Retail
- Res #17-03 Complete Streets app 4-18-2017
- Resolution 18-02 Project Sponsorship
- Resolution 18-03 Fee Schedule for Medical Marijuana
- Resolution 18-04 acceptance of funds from school for officer
- Resolution 18-05 Water and Sewer Rates
- Resolution 19-01 Notice of Election
- Resolution 19-02 Safe Routes to School
- Res #19-03-Establishing water & Sewer rates
- Disaster Emergency Proclamation
- Res # 20-01 School Zone Speed Limit
- Res # 20-03 Establishing Water and Sewer Rates passed 10/20/2020
- Res # 20-04 Notice of Election passed 12/15/2020
- Resolution 21-01 Water & Sewer Rates approved 11.16.2021
- Resolution 21-02 Accepting ARPA funds approved 11.16.2021
- Resolution 22-03 American Rescue Plan Act ARPA Grant
- Resolution 22-04 Establishing Water and Sewer Rates (2)
- Resolution 22-05 Notice of Election (2)
- Resolution 23-01 Extension of Existing 1% Krebs Sales Tax
- Resolution 23-02 Fee Schedule for Medical Marijuana Amended
- Resolution 24-01 Reasearch Fees